A Comprehensive Guide to the 8 Reasons Why Most Men Lose Interest in Their Wives Few Years After Marriage

Photo Courtesy: The Citizen

Marriage is the social and legal contract between two individuals that legally, economically, and emotionally unites their lives. Love makes two partners get married, have kids, and live together. What if that love fades? There are so many ways why most marriages break. Here are the reasons why?

1.Women you always blame your Men for not making you happy.

NHS survey shows women to be unhappier than men for almost their entire lives – mostly until their mid-80s, and men are blamed for this. But perhaps men aren’t the real culprits. We crave finally being taken care of by a stronger authority figure—which most of us did not have growing up, whether our fathers were physically present or not.

We fight for equality publicly, but privately what we still want is someone to save us, spoil us, and battle the hardships of life on our behalf.

We enjoy being taken care of, yet we resent the price of losing our autonomy and freedom.

We are filled with conflicting messages, torn between the remnants of patriarchal conditioning and the need for change. We are so confused about what makes us happy that fulfillment eludes us. Most women I know, end up blaming their partners for their unhappiness.

Remember you are to blame for your happiness. Stop being dramatic with your man and show him some love. Don't put your man under pressure as this makes him start withdrawing slowly

2. Very Low sex drive

If you’ve been in a relationship for 30, 20, 10, or even 5 years, things can start to become familiar. You’ve gotten into a routine at this point, and that comfort (which is great in some ways) is decidedly not great for your sex life.

“Familiarity creates a platonic ness in the relationship,” says Pizzulli. “There’s a sexless marriage when you start to get into a situation where you’re just best friends, and the exoticness has kind of dropped off in the relationship.” Chances are, folding laundry and washing the dishes together—although possibly bettering the friendship within the couple—is probably not peaking arousal for either of you. “If time together is primarily spent watching TV, taking care of household biz, etc., there is nothing to arouse you there,” says Brandy Engler, Psy.D, a Los Angeles-based psychologist specializing in relationships and sexuality and author of The Men on My Couch. “Men generally don’t walk around aroused; they need stimulation.”

3. You Don't communicate with your Husband.

Go out on a date with your husband. Get time away from the children and get a Sabbatum evening. You get yourselves a drink or two and talk.

Talk about your mean in-laws, and how they have been mean to you. Talk

about tension and conflict at work. Whine about how your friend is on a vacation. Communication is the key here

4. You never appreciate something your husband does for you

Humans long for appreciation. Genuine appreciation makes people feel lifted. It can boost a person’s morale and create a natural urge to apply their best efforts. 

In the same way, a lack of basic acknowledgment can make a person feel devalued and stuck in the wrong place. It can be one of the major things that destroy a marriage.

A recent study suggests that expressing gratitude is one of the indicators of satisfaction within a marriage.

Appreciation in marriage is as necessary as expressing love. If a lack of appreciation in a relationship becomes a habit, it can prove disastrous for your relationship. No one would want their partner to feel taken for granted and lose the passion they feel in the relationship.

Constantly failing to acknowledge your partner can build up their disappointment and frustration over time. In no time, this frustration might start reflecting in every other conversation you have with them. A little disagreement can turn into an argument without you even realizing it. 

Lack of appreciation can make your partner lose their motivation to keep the relationship running strong. They might feel it’s no use putting effort into an equation where there’s no appreciation or recognition. Gradually, they most likely will stop contributing to the relationship altogether.

Appreciate the very little things your husband does. Always give thanks to him for always being there for you.

5. You perpetually nag your man

Naturally, most men are lazy. That is an attribute and you can't change it, however, when you endlessly nag your man, he becomes stubborn. This makes him perceive you as an ill-natured woman and this can ruin your relationship. Do not express your disappointment and negative emotions through nagging. Nagging patterns in a relationship create a power imbalance and can lead partners to lose respect and trust for one another. Nagging is something that couples should avoid in their relationship or correct if it is an existing pattern

6. Don't be insecure or jealous as the wife

Jealousy mostly stems from insecurity. The jealous spouse often does not feel they are “enough” for their partner. Their low self-esteem makes them perceive other people as threats to the relationship. They, in turn, try to control their partner by preventing them from having any outside friendships or hobbies. Don't be jealous of your husband's friends or family. If you are guilty of constructing fun of your husband once his friends or relatives visit you. stop blaming him for showing too much emotion for his relatives.

7. Modify your priorities

Dress your kids well, behave well, clean, and keep your house sparkly clean. If you don't do any of the above it can be real trouble for you. One of your biggest priorities in marriage should be showing respect. When you respect your partner, you open the door to mutual respect and understanding, uphold healthy boundaries, and work together during the conflict.

8. Stop disagreeing 

Consider conflict as an opportunity to bring into isolation the pressing issues that are affecting the harmony of your marriage. Manage these disagreements as a team and work towards evolving as married partners. Do not hope for a marriage conflict resolution to happen on its own. Deal with it. Stalling is not advisable and autocorrect is not an option available.

If you have entered the bond of marriage recently and are yet to discover the post-honeymoon disappointments, you can avert the possible future conflicts and the magnitude of damage.

Or, if you and your partner have been struggling to breathe in some happiness and peace into a marriage full of conflicts, now is the best time to fix the broken marriage and turn a new leaf in your exciting journey of the marital bond.


  1. Men are just men. My husband left me even after being a good wife😭😭


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