Know The Art of Taking a Good Selfie: Tips and Tricks

As a professional photographer, I understand why some of you are camera-phobic. Maybe you never like taking photos of yourself because they turn out to be more unappealing than your normal self.
 Here, I will give you the guides and tips that will make you a good photographer and also make you an expert at taking good selfies. It is not just me, most of you have had this experience before! When we look in the mirror, we see ourselves from one perspective, but when we take a selfie, we see ourselves from another perspective. And often, the selfie perspective is less flattering than the mirror perspective. So I have created this complete guide on taking good selfies, also take your self-portraits a step forward and finally enjoy looking at and sharing photos of yourself with your friends and family. Look at the following techniques for your selfie poses and get inspired to learn how to take creative selfies.

1. Shoot From Various Angles And find your best one!

 Yes, you guessed it right. Everyone has a better angle and if you want to improve how you look in your photos you have to find yours. 
How to do it? Easy. Take a selfie from different angles. Take lots of photos of yourself and look at how they look different. Pick your best angle and use it when you pose for a selfie. You can also ask someone you know for their opinion. Compare your photos taken in different light conditions and ask your friends which one is better. Knowing your best angle is key to capturing amazing selfies. 
Selfie with different angles

2.Try to Look Confident

How to take a good selfie is a matter of self-confidence. Tricks will help you look more confident when creating a selfie. Slightly closing your eyes makes you immediately look more confident. It looks like your eyes are confident and approachable as New York Photographer Peter Hurley would say. Combine it with turning your face to an angle, and you’ll get something pretty cool. Combining this with your best angle as discovered in the previous step will guarantee a very interesting and appealing image of yourself.

3. Smile to Take a Good Selfie:

Smile Here’s the biggest secret on how to take a good selfie. Smile! Try to look amazing when you take a selfie! Give a confident look and add a smile so that you have the right cocktail for a winning self-portrait photo. But remember to smile genuinely, or you will look awkward. Think of something funny, think of someone you love or a nice experience you’ve recently had, and you’ll immediately put yourself in a good mood. Do not only smile with your mouth but with your eyes too. To take a good selfie your face has to be relaxed and if you’re in a bad mood you won’t be able to look great. Smile as you mean it! 

4. Extend your Neck Forward

Extending your neck forward and pointing your forehead down is the easiest way to look much better in photos. This is also true for selfies and if on top of it, you add tilting your head to one side you get a picture.

5. How to Take a Good Selfie:

Adjust Your Hair With your free hand, touch your hair as if you were making your hairstyle and combine it with one of the poses above for a confident look. Your self-portrait will improve immediately. 

6. Lean Against a Wall

If you lean on a wall, you’ll convey a relaxed vibe and look even more confident. Combine it with the hair-adjusting pose, and you’ve got something special.

7. Take a Group Selfie Involve friends and explain all these tips to them.

 The photo will look like a group of models posing for a professional shot. 

8. Get a good background

 Before you get started there are all the considerations that you have to make with a standard photo. Lighting Composition Setting Mood Etc. For any portrait, minimizing the background is a good way to draw attention to your subject. You can do that by using a backdrop, lighting, focus, or all of those things combined. Then again, there’s nothing wrong with emphasizing the background if it says something important about you. "Maybe you’re in your office, or an art studio, or you’re surrounded by pets or kids, and that’s what you want to portray about yourself. That works too." Just be aware of your decisions at this stage because they will affect the impact of your self-portrait. 

9. Edit your photos

I took about 100 photos, which is twice what I usually do for this sort of thing, but the spotlight lighting was tricky, so I wanted to ensure that I got some usable shots. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and don’t be afraid to pick some unusual photos. Some tend to be other people’s favorites and can make a bold statement. Figuring out which photos to use is another great opportunity to ask for an opinion from someone you trust. Once I worked on my photos I sent them out to a couple of friends and asked them which ones they liked best. As it turns out, they picked the same ones I did, but it’s good to know that others feel the same way. 

10. How to Take a Selfie in the Mirror

We can’t forget mirror selfies. With mirror selfies, you can capture your outfits and your elegant body. Get a mirror of the right size based on the photo you want to take (half or the whole body). Make sure you have a well-lit background. This type of self-portrait allows you to show your phone as well as take a full-body shot. Always look at your phone and not in the mirror and use one of the poses described above and shoot your great selfie. If it doesn’t look natural, you can always “cheat” and use a mini tripod like the one listed at the end of this article. Pro-tip for mirror selfies: always remember to clean your mirror before taking a selfie for best results.

 Important notes:
 1. You can use different camera apps (Snapchat, HD camera...)
 2. The processing of pictures in the later stages is also very important. 
3. Spend more time practicing selfies.


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