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Lucy Letby The British Nurse Who Murdered 7 Babies Despite Repeated Warnings

  The nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others while they were in her Care at a hospital in Cheshire, making the 33-year-old the UK's worst child killer in modern times. In a statement, the families of her victims said that they were heartbroken and that Justice could not reduce the extreme hurt, anger, and distress that they have experienced. Lucy Letby was also acquitted of two counts of attempted murder and the jury was undecided on six charges of attempted murder. Well, today the government has ordered an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding this shocking case.  Verdicts have been delivered here at Manchester Crown Court over several hearings over the last 10 days. It was only today that the jury indicated that they could go no further and that reporting restrictions were lifted and we are able now to report the full extent of what Lucy Letby has been found guilty of. Now that was an emotional moment

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