Never tell a Woman to calm down, Instead use these methods to calm her down.

By telling a woman to calm down, you are basically telling her that the way she is feeling is unjustified. You're saying the way she feels is completely wrong and that the situation at hand far from merits this reaction. Maybe this woman really needs to relax, but if that's what you want, this is the last thing you should say to her. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, as ridiculous as it sounds, it's very true.

If your friend, girlfriend, or sister is really angry, anxious, or sad, you probably want to know how to help her calm down. Learn how to calm a girl down by;

Listening to Music

Music is effectively known to produce a calming state of mind especially classical music, this is according to research. She may want to listen to music that describes what she is feeling and as long as it is relaxing to her, it doesn't always matter what genre the music is.

Give Her your Support

Trust me, the last thing you wanna say is "Calm down" when she is screaming at the top her lungs. If you see her all hung up over something that's getting her down, ask what you can do to take the burden away. Offer help temporarily, Maybe she would like you to help her with a project at school or she may even just like to go to lunch or take a walk to the park with you.

Make Her smile

One way to take her mind off what's stressing her is to change her perspective. Do something to make her smile. Tell her a joke or watch a funny video or movie together.

Talk with her about it

Wait until she is ready to talk about everything as communication is key. Listen to her, learn what's really important and this will help you learn what really matters to them.

Listen actively

Learn to listen first and seek to understand before being understood. You must collect information about what she is saying before you can adequately provide a response to her. Remember to be non-judgemental and refrain from judging her circumstances.

Always try to validate her feelings

If she is overwhelmed by stress or emotion, she may just want to feel heard and accepted. When she calms down a bit, ask her to describe her feelings to you. Try to offer unsolicited advice and offer her validating statements like,

"I can see why you're upset. That isn't fair enough"

Keep in mind that If she really wants to be left alone, give her some space. Keep in mind though that she might want someone to talk to later so let her know you're there if she needs you. Pay attention to every detail at what she's saying. Don't "zone out" when she's expressing her feelings, because she might ask your opinion on something or how you would react to such a situation. Not actively listening might make her feel like you don't care.


  1. They say you must use one day in a week and fear women๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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